The Way I See It

Archive for the ‘nightscape’ Category

Happy Holidays!

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Seasons Greetings Seattle Style, 2011 Edition

Seasons Greetings Seattle Style, 2011 Edition

I made this image this evening at the International Fountain at the Seattle Center. This time of year, the center comes alive with festive activities such as the seasonal ice rink and the Nutcracker ballet. But the synchronized-to-music fountain continues to be a major draw with kids (of all ages), who laugh and giggle as they play chicken in the unpredictable spray.

Photog Notes
I shot this with the D300 set at ISO 200. To capture the motion of the water, I set the shutter at 20 seconds, with the aperture at f/16. This long shutter speed also allowed me to isolate the fountain and Christmas tree from the children who were running in and out of path of the water.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!