The Way I See It

Archive for the ‘interpretive’ Category

Fall, Remembered

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Fall, Remembered

Fall, Remembered

I was looking through the archives, looking for an image for a friend when I came across this interpretive piece, which I made during the fall. I’ve liked this image since it popped up on the back of my camera, just haven’t had the chance to process it until now.

Photo Notes
f/32 at ISO 280, handheld at 1/10th second. A lot of interpretive intimate landscapes involve moving the camera vertically – most commonly to accentuate the pattern of tall grass and/or tree trunks. In visualizing this piece, I wanted to preserve the pattern of the dark trunk against the bright golds of the foliage; this is the premise that dictated how I manipulated the camera.

Written by xinapray

February 12, 2012 at 3:31 pm

Thursday’s Twilight

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thursday's twilight

I’ve been fighting a cold all week. By the time Thursday afternoon rolled around, a touch of cabin fever had set in. The sky looked somewhat promising so I bundled up with an extra layer and took a drive. By the time I got down to the water, the interesting clouds had dissipated so I just hung out with the other sunset watchers, savoring the last minutes of a gorgeous afternoon (and of course snapping a few). On my way out, a beautiful glow continued to cling to the sky. That’s how this image came about.

Photo Notes
1.5 seconds at f/9.5, ISO 200. To maximize image quality, I try to shoot at a camera’s optimal ISO as much as possible. In this case, staying within the lens’ optimal aperture range (I picked f/9.5) required a long 1-1/2 second exposure, so out came the tripod again. Made a few images before it got too dark; I liked the framing of this one the best.

Written by xinapray

February 4, 2012 at 3:48 pm